Oh No ! it is the Chinese Ghost Month again !

The stories behind the name of Hungry Ghost Festival !

Oh No ! it is the Chinese Ghost Month again !
Contact Edward Feng Shui to find out more

The Ghost Month starts today and it is a month long event in which the ordinary Chinese will perform customary rituals for their deceased ancestors,it is also known as Zhong Yuan Jie中元节. This name originally borrowed from that of Taoism.The Taoists have the three main festivals for the year; that classify out three peroids in a year,namely the First period (15th day of 1st lunar month,also known as 上元节 or 元宵节); the Second period (15th day of the 7th lunar month,中元节); and the Third period (15th day of 10th lunar month,下元节).
When Buddhism was later introduced into China,the buddhist also used the same day to perform good deeds so as to transfer the merits to the spiritual beings,and in turn the living beings also benefited from.This Buddhist Ghost Festival was called Ullambana.Since the whole festival involved the deceased,which in laymen term was Ghost, the festival is also called Ghost Festival.